Tuesday 20 November 2012

Creative Moray web launch

Dear Members, We are delighted to announce that we will be launching the Creative Moray website at this month's Culture Cafe. A huge thank you to Sam at Hampton-Smith Design Studio for designing and building such an important tool for the creative sector in Moray!! Booking is a must and if you wish to attend, there are only paid tickets left. Please visit here. Our free allocation of meals sponsored by HIE were met very early on and due to an increased interest in attendance, we have issued paid tickets. The evening is going to be a fantastic networking event for the creative sector in Moray, not only with the Creative Moray web launch, but we have organised an interesting lineup of speakers. Presenters from both the public and private sector, who will engage with the creative sector in identifying opportunities for collaboration. All doing business in Moray! We have also created a space to showcase local music talent. The evening will culminate with informal networking and a charity raffle, raising money for Quarriers charity. I look forward to seeing you there! Thanks, Anna :)

Friday 19 October 2012

Culture Cafe - Nov 27th

Dear Members, I have yet to receive any support from other members in the organising of this event, which was to launch the website for Creative Moray. I have provisionally booked a venue in Elgin on Tues 27th Nov from 7 - 10pm. Please keep this date free. I need help in assisting with arrivals - making sure guests pickup a name badge and selling raffle tickets. I'm also looking for raffle prize donations please. You can email me directly at anna@recitefilms.com. Many thanks, Anna.

Papay Gyro Nights

Papay Gyro Nights

Monday 15 October 2012


I am writing to you regarding the 2nd Artist Mentor Programme - AMP The Moray Creative Learning Network members, made up of teachers and artists identified the need to Œgrow teachers and creative practitioners¹ in Moray. The group conceived and developed the Artist Mentor Programme ­ AMP. The pilot programme was supported by Creative Scotland and Education Scotland and coordinated by Kresanna Aigner (Moray Art Centre). AMP is training and practical experience, in facilitating workshops for art school graduates based in Moray. Each mentee is paired with a mentor, sourced from the Moray Creative Learning Network. We have 7 art school graduates participating on the programme and we require 7 mentors of our creative practitioners and future facilitators. THE ROLE OF THE MENTOR ­ mentoring benefits both the mentor and mentee Mentors come in many shapes and sizes, sometimes they may not even be aware they are full filling a role - ³a developmental relationship in which a more experienced person helps us a less experienced person² * Meet with your mentee , a suggested 3 x 1 hour sessions, during the AMP programme i.e. Nov 2012 ­ June 2013. Partnerships also are encouraged to build and tailor the relationship to suit your own unique pairing. Support can be offered via email, on the phone etc...this will take shape as you build your relationship * Three full group meetings 1/ at start of programme (Nov), 1 in middle (perhaps launch of exhibition) and one at end to asses AMP * Attend the MCLN events....next one 6 Dec, and another 3 planned for 2013 * Mentors will receive a £150 contribution towards travel, phone costs. * This is not a paid role. Mentoring is a contribution you make towards Œgrowing teachers¹. Benefits of being a mentor * enhances your professional life * rewarding experience * an opportunity to support a young artists professional growth * develop and grow creative practitioners in Moray * Create a legacy * Increase self-esteem, self confidence and affirmation of professional competance PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MENTOR I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Kresanna volunteers@morayartcentre.org

Saturday 13 October 2012

Creative Moray host Culture Cafe

Hi Guys, Anna here. After members showed an interest sometime ago regarding hosting a Culture Cafe, as a means of launching the website it's now become a reality. Sam is kindly beavering away to complete it on time!! I have been liaising with original curators, Bodysurf and really need assistance now from other members in pulling this off. Provisionally booked from 7 - 10pm, 27th Nov in Elgin. Please get in touch, I'm still looking for food partners!! anna@recitefilms.com.

Friday 12 October 2012

Moray Feel Good Festival

Hi Guys, I just wanted to bring your attention to this fantastic arts festival happening around Moray during the month of Oct. Please have a look at the amazing event listings (lots happening this weekend) and go along if you can make it. These events are FREE!! http://www.morayfeelgoodfestival.co.uk/ Thanks, Anna.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

November Culture Cafe - collaboration

Hello - Anna here, I wish to engage those CM members who would be interested in teaming up together to assist in hosting a Nov Culture Cafe! This would be a fantastic platform to launch any developments we have and to showcase our members. Pls email: anna@recitefilms.com. Also, we're looking for an organic 'food/ catering' partner to come onboard - a great opportunity to promote your business and develop partnerships. We also need somewhere to host this event in Elgin! I am looking for assistance in planning this event, aswell as contacting local venues and food/ catering partners to be part of it. Thanks guys! A.